My sister, the second one, is a nurse. She works in a hospital and gets to see a lot of interesting things, like dead people. And some of these people have absolutely no reason to be dead. And apparently, no matter how suspicious the circumstances surrounding the deaths of these people, the local DA refuses to do so much as an autopsy because, ready? They Cost Too Much. (Makes me wonder if Marc’s got a long lost brother practicing law in Tennessee.) Of course, if the family wishes, they can pay to have an autopsy done, but then the admissibility in court is rather questionable.
My mother-in-law got on my nerves big time this morning. My cats have been going in the flower beds to do their business. She insists that this is killing her flowers. Honestly they’ve never looked better. So when she saw Lucy walking that way this morning she pitched a royal fit which ended up with Lucy being so stressed she bit me. Lucy never bites people—she’s too laid back and lazy. So the MIL isn’t exactly on my list of people I want to deal with, especially considering all the other crap I have to put up with on that front.
So I’m thinking, maybe I should invite her to my sister’s house for a visit….