Oops, I guess I wasn't clear last post. We are BOTH home, albeit after a rocky start. Anyway, here she is, Miss Mélanie Danielle Michelle who came screaming into our lives at exactly 3:30 last Tuesday afternoon. She weighed in at a whopping 4.810 kilos (or 10 1/2 pounds) for her 51 centimeters (or 20 or so inches). And she was the most beautiful shade of violet I have ever seen.
She was taken immediately into intensive care because my gestational diabetes went really wonky at the end and they were afraid she'd have problems. She also didn't want to inhale enough air to get rid of her beautiful purple hue, only enough to scream out her discontent, so they wanted to put her on oxygen. So we spent the first few days apart, which, if you'll excuse me sounding like the most horrible mother on the planet, probably wasn't such a bad thing. She did fine the entire time, surpassing everyone's expectations, and we were soon reunited--right after they'd taken me off the maternity ward, of course.
I promise to give you all the gory details another day, but right now I have to pretend to be a multi-tasking mom-type person, and honestly, I really suck at it. So forgive me if posting becomes a bit light for the moment. It's not that I don't love you, really...
Congratulations on the new addition. She is such a dear :)